For those of you who are young enough to remember the Clangers on TV and the friendly Soup Dragon that inhabited their small round planet, I am putting together a dive in their honour.
The dive will consist of a dip in one of the inland sites in Kent and then when your cold enough its all back to my place for Hot bowls of my home made Clanger soup and fresh crusty clanger bread and for those that like a beer or ten ,there will be some of that too.
Why? I hear you all asking and I reply why not.
I am looking at one weekend in January and all are welcome, in fact the more the merrier. If we choose a saturday then there is enough room if anyone wishes to stay over.
If you are interested in the clangers just type Clangers in Youtube and see for yourselves
I would love to come Tad sounds like a great idea being a fellow lover of the clangers and to top it off a bowl of soup and crusty bread mmmmmm sounds yummy!! Let me know when and I'll be the one at your front door with a large bowl, saying please sir can i have some more!
your in Anna
Sorry Tad. Would love to have come but Saturdays are no good for us as Ernie has to work.
Sounds great, let me know when and where and (hopefully) I'll be there.
I like clangers but I'm not sure I could eat a whole one.
Count me in please, I'm sure I can get it passed my own little soup, I mean dragon, I mean Linda.
add me Tad as jacko sang "i`ll be there"
Hi mate count me in and could i stop over thanks
Strange way of honouring the poor little blighters - they must be an endangered species and you want to make soup out of them ! Will we drink it out of bowls made from black rhino horns?
Wouldn't miss it for a small round planet , er, or the world!
Oh I meant to add if I could stay over that would be cool, on a purely selfish note the only weekend i can't do is the 24/25th January-if poss is it ok to do any other weekend as it souinds like a good time is to be had by all!
looks like a bit of a party in the making
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