17 October 2008

MD Blogging Success

A while ago I realised that this blog passed the FIVE HUNDRED post mark, quite an achievement ! It has made me appreciate just how web logs (blogs) have contributed to the promotion of diving. I'm grateful to Matt C who introduced Meridian Divers to the concept! Our (older) sister blog , the T R Thompson blog has provided the ideal vehicle for the project work and done a great deal to promote local diving interest . I am not aware of any other comparable diving project blog (please let me know if YOU do!).

I have no idea how many emails support the MD blog work but the figure must be getting close to the size of the US Bank Bail-Out figures! I do know that my address book is mainly populated by divers and with over 1200 addresses it would be difficult to send out enough emails to keep everyone up to speed. So thank goodness for blogging as an aid to wider communication. Is it possible for any local diver NOT to have surfed our blog by now? Today I looked back over my old Scuba Updates (emailed newsletters before the blogging revolution) , no wonder I need more memory on this computer, there are 195 of them each several pages long dating back to the start of the new millenium! Not quite Samuel Pepys diaries but an archive of diving history in their own right! See West Sussex you're not the only archivists!

I have my fingers firmly crossed for Meridian Divers in the NAS Adopt-A-Wreck Awards next month. And if we are succesful may be it will be a good time to email all 1200+ and celebrate just how far the Meridian Divers network has come! Keep up the good work!

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