Well it was billed as being as much about eating as meeting and that's how it turned-out! Our start time of 7.30pm worked well, apparently there had been a huge rush for dinners at Coopers Restaurant, Stone Cross a short while before, so it was fortunate that when the hungry Meridian Divers arrived the way had cleared for carvery roasts all round! I think everyone was impressed with the deal , plenty of good nosh at a very very reasonable price! So good was the deal that we thought we'd better tuck-in before the 'business' of the meeting! So pleasant was the evening that after our dinner is was (just!) warm enough to venture in to the gardens with our drinks to discuss our diving plans! After all that hard work it was back inside the Restuarant for coffees and general chat. I reckon the coffees must have worked 'cos even after all that food in a warm restaurant no-one dozed-off! Sheila (as ever) will put some notes of the meeting together and circulate them, but needless to say we were pleased at the successful progress of the existing dive plans and would now be concentrating on tucking-in some local boat dives. Details of the next social , the BBQ on 8th of June were discussed, this event will be going ahead as planned and would make a good opportunity to discuss buddying at Looe & Lundy along with doing a a shore dive!
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