05 January 2008

PADI Equipment Specialist Course

This is just the time of year, if you are not jetting off to warmer climes or longer hours of day light to be preparing for the years diving! It's a good time to sort out your servicing but how about going a step further and doing the PADI Equipment Specialist Course.

Further PADI information on the Course can be obtained from:-

There will be an Equipment Specialist Course running on Saturday 19th January . If you are interested and want more info , add a comment or contact me.
NOTICE: This Course goes beyond the PADI requirements and includes 'in-the-field" repairs to wet & dry suits and regulator maintenance. It will be a full days instruction.


Chris-P said...

Two down for this course already.

Tracey said...

As Chris said, 2 MD on this, plus another 3 already down & paid. No set numbers but MDers get a discount (thanks to Chris) so it would be good if a few more of us could attend.

Tad said...

I'll let you know about this next week