25 October 2009

Meridian Diver Film Night ~ Wednesday 3rd February

Following the last MD Meeting I have booked Wednesday 3rd February 2010 at Arlington Village Hall for the next MD Film Night. More details to follow. I imagine the usual light refreshments , film & photo show will be the style of the evening.


Simon-T said...

Oh for goodness sake. Skiing. I think this is a conspiracy!

Tad said...

Simon I am really worried about you missing all these opportunities therefore I am willing to swap places with you . I know you dont want to be embarrassed by my offer but really it isnt a problem I attend lots of MD functions so giving up my place to you on this occassion really isnt a problem.


Simon-T said...

Fair comment, I'll put my toys back in the cot. ;o)

Anonymous said...

I'll be back from skiing so I can come!!