This turned out to be an excellent dive! As we sped off to the TRT there was a fair mist hanging over the sea. Arriving at the TRT , the wreck was shot leading us quickly to the midhsips , near the boilers.

TRT Bollards
The viz was around 5m and allowed Tad to take a long video of the dive and me to take a lot of stills using ambient light only. Ernie & Jim in another buddy pair also shot some video. Our mission on the dive was to measure & photo the deck anchor and the Gun. Mission accomplished! Diving on Nitrox 32% gave me a good long dive and plenty of spare NDL.
Now looking forward to seeing the video! With a bit of good luck we'll add a link to this blog!
great photo very atmospheric
Yep, in fact , several atmospheres - absolute!
Made a hash of the previous comment.
Here is a link to some clips from the Thompson dive. Quality is a bit squashed etc....
Will add more later.
Well done Jimbob the heater! Your vids and my stills tend to confirm that a little more ambient light would have been handy! Looking forward to seeing Tad's vid when editted!
been working on a shortened version first time I have tried to edit something but think I am just about there after a frustrating couple of days
will post in blog asap
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