Five Meridian Divers attended the Fish ID course held at the Shipwreck Heritage Centre in Hastings. The course was organised by Bryony Chapman (Kent SEASEARCH) and presented by Dr Frances Dipper, author of "British Sea Fishes". The course reviewed classifications, distinguishing features, identification and recording techniques and included the examination of specimens for identification practice and a practical application in the Sea Life Centre aquarium.
Each delegate was provided with a pack including printed onformation and CD of all the course presentations. At the conclusion of the course delegates had their SEASEARCH "Training & Qualification Records" updated with the Specialist Course.
More info on :- http://seasearch.org.uk/
something fishy going on there you all look almost intelligent
That'll be Fish IQ , whereas we did Fish ID !
Who is the bald-headed guy with his head sticking out the water facing the Fish ID team?
Thanks to Sheila and Ernie for getting us there. Really enjoyed it.
Lesser non spotted Benson wrasse I think
Whats Jim Looking at then?
Are they out of water fish or was it the eel in CP's pocket.
Are you suggesting that Chris would steal an exhibit?
Maybe its the crabs
I didn't notice any RAF types but maybe they were camouflaged.
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