03 February 2009

Meridian Divers Meeting ~ 29th January

A very productive MD meeting took place on Wednesday 28th January , Hon Sec Sheila has produced the notes which will be circulated very soon. In the meantime here is a brief flavour of the outcomes:-

1. A Pre-Red Sea Dive Trip social will be organised to give everyone the chance to mingle with buddies on the trip and to ask any questions! We hope to offer some pool practice for those with new kit or rusty skills! Still some places left in this trip , these are now open to anyone through Tony Backhurst. The last night of this trip will be spent in a hotel (for added pre-deaprture comfort) . No-one has to share a room , unless they want to :-) !

2. A summer dive trip to the Channel Islands will be explored.

3. Ernie will be posting some Seazones availability on the blog.

4. Tad will be confirming the daye for the Soup Dragon Dive.

5. Tracey will be arranging a G0-Cart Racing day at Filching Manor.

6. The next meeting will take the form of a social at Ocean View on 18th February

7. Only one place left on the Swanage Dive Trip. (Plymouth fully booked).

8. Beach BBQs are planned for the following Sundays : 24 May, 26 July, 13 September.


Matt said...

2 diving spaces left on the plymouth trip although Steve will go out with 10

Chris-P said...

Thanks for the update Matt.