The weather and sea conditions came together for the Meridian Divers Beach BBQ and dive on the Harbour Arm, West Beach, Newhaven . It was a stonking success with thirty three divers and guests attending. The BBQ camp was pitched at about 12.30 , just in time to secure what has now become our regular plot! Within minutes the 'camp' grew with gazebo, tables, chairs and, courtesy of Matt, a near industrial sized BBQ grill ! With the 'camp' built dive kit was prepared and and the massed ranks of divers entered the water next to the Arm just before 3pm. A few shore fishemen were conveniently a few metres away and none were fishing from the Arm itself. Some jet skiers and a small RIB kept well away giving us a problem free dive. Despite the numbers the dive wasn't crowded, in nearly an hour under water I saw other divers for about a minute!

Water temperature ranged from 12 to 15 Deg C and max depths were no more than 10 metres. The viz was about 2 to 3 metres but on the shallower return to shore the light was good. Myriads of small bib were seen along with some small lobsters, tom pot blennies, pollack, ballan wrasse and a small conger. A very pleasant bimble and with the aid of the wall of the Arm itself a not too ungraceful exit!

Admittedly it was long walk from the waters edge to the BBQ Camp , but something seemed to be willing us on! After de-kitting Matt was quickly to work on the griddle and working like a trojan a phenomenal amount of food was cooked and readily consumed. Truly outstanding , good weather, good dive, good company and good & plentiful food!
Tad took his video underwater and we'll have to wait to see the edited highlights , I'm hoping his shots of duelling tom-pot blennies will come out!
Tad took his video underwater and we'll have to wait to see the edited highlights , I'm hoping his shots of duelling tom-pot blennies will come out!

Thanks to all those who came along (including the camera shy Guy, Vicky, Jack, Andy N, Toni , Steve and Laura ) and made the day a great success!
Just like to add my thanks to everyone especially matt and his mega marathon BBQ session Great stuff. Also thanks to all the guys from RDC and ocean view for turning up and making it such a great afternoon. Also thanks to Chris for the Gazeebo and Ernie & Sheila for the mini BBQ and tables etc.
Will edit the video over the next couple of days (contains the scrapping tompots)
Thanks to everyone, old and new friends, for making it a B-B-Q to remember. Looking forward to the next one.
Ernie, Sheila & Poppy.
what a cracking day!myself,Tina & the kid`s had a great time, thanks to Chris for acting as my guide/buddy for the dive,Tad for the mitchellin star burgers,Ernie & Sheila for the help with the cooking and to all the others[including the weather gods!] for making the day one to remember,thanks
My pleasure Matt! It was a good dive! Chris
Forgot to say thanks to Tracey and Chris for doing a uturn and coming back to help get my car started. Teach me to leave the boot door open and drain the battery. Thanks to Traceys dad for the Jump leads
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